Our Creative Process!


Photography is an art created in the 19th century by Joseph Niépce. Technological advances have allowed endless improvements in the quality of photographic equipment and image editing. Thus, speeding up the production process and reducing costs - which increasingly popularizes photography and its use. But after all, creating a photograph is not just about pushing a button and you're done, right?
This is our perspective on the creative process of a photograph:

The creative process of a single photograph happens in seconds we would say. The few seconds it takes to bring your eye to the viewfinder, or the few seconds before that, are amazingly unnoticeable. With practice, it becomes even easier to decide the framing and composition of a photograph, but sometimes we need some more time to figure out what is the best angle, what is the best light, and what is the best position, depending on the photograph we want.


In post-production, we wouldn't say that the process is much different. With some practice we know exactly what the photograph needs, sometimes small basic editing adjustments, other times: perhaps something more elaborate and time-consuming!

Although all the stages of creating and processing a photograph count, the first look is perhaps the key step. The moment when we know that our lens has captured a moment, someone, or something, a smile, a tear... And that is why we believe that Henri Cartier-Bresson's phrase makes perfect sense: